1. FAQ
  2. Emails subscriptions

Resubscription to Vigilance Santé Communications

Manage your subscriptions: technical bulletins, web alerts, and news from Vigilance Santé

To resubscribe, the easiest way is to find a previous email from Vigilance Santé and click on the Manage my subscriptions link at the bottom of the page.

Possible scenarios:

If you are unsubscribed from all emails:

We can no longer send you communications, and our team cannot resubscribe you.

Submit this Form using your email address. You will receive an email to access the Management of your subscriptions.

If your subscriptions is still active:

Submit this Form using your email address to receive a link to Manage your preferences

Tip: Add info@vigilance.ca to your known senders to prevent our emails from ending up in junk mail.